Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


41 and counting…

so we are sitting on an airplane right now and have been up for 41 hours so far with about 12 more to go! well, we have had a nap or two for an hour or so. we are on yet another adventure… this one all began about 10 days ago as we were seeking god about where to go next. we were in malaysia at the time. our plan was to be "tourists" for the month of august and head back to life impact in thailand for the month of september. so here we were throwing ideas around… vietnam, laos, cambodia, etc. however nothing was sitting well. out of no where we had the idea of going back to thailand and being with life impact until we felt more sure of where to go. we instantly felt peace about this decision and both felt god had just spoke that to both of us. what peace!
we hopped on a boat and headed north about 12 hours later. over the next few days we started to feel god calling us "home" and that he was calling us back to life impact right away so we could say our good-byes. we had NO IDEA that this was his plan and it sure wasn't ours. but again, that peace came back when we were making the decision to go home. the bible says that it is a "peace that surpasses all understanding." total freedom thats for sure.
just a side note… during this time back with life impact god continued to speak huge to us about just what he is preparing us for as we go back home and it is so exciting we can barely contain ourselves. he had us up till 4 in the morning giving us vision. our god is alive and speaks! anyways more on that later with another posting!
so we began the process to try to get home which was another thing that we had to lay at god's feet and trust that he would iron out the details because all the flights were full until august 31. this date would be too late to accomplish some of what we wanted to be home for… anyways god came through more than we can imagine and all of a sudden we are on buses and planes and trains back to good ol california!
and to top it all off… we haven't told a soul back home so it's gonna be surprises all around! we can't wait to see you all!!!!!
love you guys!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


after our friends flew out of indonesia back to the states we headed to malaysia... we stayed for a few days in kuala lumpur and did some city tour stuff while trying to figure out some more travel plans. one place we spent some serious time at was the mall where we found free internet... how people figured out traveling before the internet is beyond me! this mall was absolutely huge... 12 or 13 floors. complete with an amusement park, bowling alley, and a pool hall. below is a picture of the elevators in the mall.
we decided on heading to langkawi, malaysia for a little r+r together. langkawi is an island on the west side of malaysia on the indian ocean. it was absolutely beautiful. after a few days we began a long journey back to thailand by ferry, bus, train, and bus again. about 36 hours of travel later we were back in thailand and back with life impact! so here we are... for now at least. reconnecting with people here and seeing where to head to next... always an adventure. thank god for the internet!

Monday, August 2, 2010

our last boat trip posting... promise!

this sweet video is of matt jumping off the rock cliff at about 60 ft. okay, just kidding, he's in the boat wearing the goofy hat, wishing he could jump but realizing that at age 27 and with broken bones, all you can do is sport awesome hats. these guys were crazy but it was awesome to see them from the dingy. check out the water in the second picture. it was absolutely beautiful. third pic is of our entire team. def. a trip of a lifetime, even if we were too old to jump! :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gili Island

out of all the islands we visited, Gili was our favorite! its so tiny and there are no cars or motorbikes anywhere on the island. people travel by walking (which we did and took us an hour and a half to get around the entire thing!) and also by bicycle and horse and carriage! (pictured below) there are no roads, just dirt paths everywhere. they live a very simple life which of course matt and I were attracted to right away. then we realized how small the island really was and decided that after about a month or so, we would probably have a sever case of island fever. so rest assured, we are still planning on coming home! :)
the second picture is us and some local kids who we gave bibles too. third pic is of one of our boat man named Putu. we begged him to climb the coconut tree so he did. i'm still amazed how fast he got up and down that thing... and how high he was. i don't think american bodies can even move like that. :) there was one attempt made by crazy carl who got his name for obvious reasons, and he made it like 10 feet but then couldn't get down and ended up jumping! we learned two things: first, the trick is to keep your body away from the tree and second, it's a lot harder than Putu makes it look! the last picture is of us walking around the island.