Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like You have loved me
Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

Monday, April 26, 2010

small to some and giant for others

well, here it is people. it may be a small step for most these days but it is a giant step for the yt's (that's us... get it? Y...T...)! we have taken the plunge into the world of "social networking." sorry it's not facebook but that would just be over the top! as we embark on this new journey to southeast asia, we felt the need (and have been advised) to somehow keep in touch with y'all. so here we are.
we want to make it clear to everyone that our intentions are not to draw attention to us or build ourselves up. we come humbly. we feel completely blessed.
the only thing we want to build up through this page is the GOD we are serving... it may seem strong to some and we hope you don't write us off as a result. but the truth is that we wouldn't be going on this adventure if it weren't for HIS grace and mercy.
we have been given an opportunity to go somewhere and be a part of what GOD is doing in a place that neither one of us ever really imagined we would go. we are so excited we can barely contain ourselves! the excitement of the all mighty creator of the universe using two nobodies like ourselves... what a feeling!
this journey started last summer when more and more things started pointing us to southeast asia. we continue to not have a plan... other than joining up with a couple organizations and have open hearts and hands. again, this excites us! how could it not?
so we invite you to "comment" on this site and communicate with us... update us, encourage us, share life with us!